
STL & Boost - Behind the scenes

This is a blog on my experiments with STL and Boost and what happens behind the scenes so as to make these libraries work more efficiently than what we think.

I also run an open source project called swissknifelib on GNU GPL license. You can go straight to the source here. This is a generic toolkit that provides a collection of handy generic tools for C++ application development. We have tried to make as many compile time choices as possible to make the code efficient and  generic. So, this can also be a source of learning if you are interested in this area. Please contribute your ideas, suggestions or any scenario you work in where this toolkit needs improvement, or let us know if you find a bug.

My contribution to swissknifelib is mainly over Linux. If you are good at Windows/Android/iOS, or other OSs please contribute and grow the library.
If you are not familiar with template meta-programming, I would recommend reading up about template metaprogramming, template specialization, type traits, tag dispatching, etc before you start.

This page a sticky post that behaves like my welcome page. On my template metaprogramming page and generic programming page I have provided links to posts on the corresponding topics.